Meeting Greyson Chance: Part 2

Here’s the [Part 1]

I have to admit, for almost these 4 years studying as a journalist, this probably my most favorite busy schedule I could ever wish. Not just meeting the unreal person as my Mom said, but also got some supports from my parents. Yep, they went to Greyson’s hotel to lend me the camera bcs sadly I can’t bring it to the venue for all reasons, and they waited there for like 5 hours bcs I can’t give them the exact time schedule. 🙁

Let’s go to the D-Day. I went alone by an ojek to the venue, meeting new friends, sharing about how much efforts we’ve made for Greyson, and those fangirling stuffs, like almost every fangirls do. I gathered up with the meet and greet team which consists of 10 fans, including me. I’m happy to know that these people aren’t as crazy as most fangirls I imagined, they were awesome and so cool to each other and I’m not gonna lie, some of them seems fun to be friend with.

As usual, some dramas happened, but eventually we made it there to the not-so-crowded-venue with Greyson standing on the stage, preparing for his final rehearsal. I thought we were gonna see him doing the sound check, but nah. Greyson came down from the stage to see us and to be very honest, I can tell he’s a very kind person from the way he looked at these strangers who said were his fans, to the 10 of us.

As I always wished to see, he was so fcking nice to us all, unlike how wild he looked like on stage, he’s still that soft, kind, warm kid from Oklahoma that I’d known even before I saw him in person. Despite of all stories he shared, including the ones where he got kicked out from his labels (yeah, labels), he doesn’t change a bit, just taller and more hairy.

Let’s get to my point of view seeing him in person, I’ll make this as short as I could. “Okay, who’s next?” he asked. “Me,” with my awkward smile as I spoke shyly. I gave him 2 things, a bracelet I finished outside the venue a few minutes ago and a letter that I turned into word puzzle. You can watch it here:

He asked my name, I put the bracelet into his left arm, gave the letter to him and he said “cool,” “awesome,” “badass,” etc. sounds like it’s all his appreciation template, but I don’t care bcs I, too much, love the words he said. I said hi to Alex, his manager, and Greyson said Alex got his own fans in Philippines. I also told Greyson about me noticing the ring he always wear since years ago.

Yep, this too-detailed fangirl noticed that ring, I like that ring and I kinda know the story, but I don’t get why the reason he’s still wearing that ring until he told us that day. Well, I even wore a ring on the same finger so I can tell everyone I’m engaged with Greyson, that’s pretty embarrassing for a grown up girl like me, but on a second thought, this is one of the things that keep me young, isn’t it? 😛

The meet and greet has done, I redeemed my ticket, and go to Greyson’s hotel for the interview. TBH I’ve never met the other interviewer before as this was my first time doing an interview with this media. I met the owner and a reporter, they were also fun to be friend with though, what a happy day to spend! We waited for like 15-30 mins before get to prepare for the interview. Each media got 5 mins and one team consists of 2-3 media, I got 2.

I can see Alex and the other team member was chilling at the bar, and then the star has finally entered the hall. I was like wow he changed his outfit, maybe he’d took a shower, with that white shirt and brown jacket, he greeted us, the interviewers, he shook my hand and said “What a cool t-shirt. Wait, have we met earlier?” I replied, “Yeah, you remembered me?” But TBH my brain was like yes dummy, you hugged me twice several hours ago.

It’s eventually our turn, we actually got 10 minutes, but then Greyson said “Can we get 15 on this?” Wonderful! Fifteen minutes straight watching Greyson’s interview, live! In case you wonder what did I do, I wrote some base questions asked by Creative Disc, and I was there only to record the interview, so I got some time to just look at him and standing by behind the camera, you can watch it here. After doing an interview, he took some photos with the interviewers, including me ofc!

Definitely gonna use this as my phone wallpaper! P.s.: I intentionally put the smaller size of this image, so it’s not your browser, it’s the photo

Before we took another photo together, he asked, “So, you’re a fan, but also a reporter?” and I was like, yes my king, I did this all to you. Sadly, he told me he couldn’t wear the bracelet I gave him bcs he afraid it’ll distract his piano playing, but he promised me he kept it in his luggage. It’s okay darling, I’ve swallowed all your promise, like, since forever ago.

Not so long after, he signed 10 albums and my notebook from a fan-meeting event 4 years ago called “Rocking the Planet X,” he asked my name with additional call, “darling.” I kinda freeze and didn’t take any good picture, nor video of him signing my notebook, but at least he spelled my name right. No, I spelled it, he wrote it down with a message “To Tristin, xx MOVE FORWARD.”

The moment has passed, but unlike what usually happened in some of my half-conscious dreams, this time I brought some real things to keep, like the hugs, album and notebook signs, photos, videos, and four new friends that now I could share my life with, yep, it’s you Marsya, Gabby, Nova, and Sherly. I hate to say this writing exceeds my words target. So I’ll just sums up that the concert was awesome, I smh several times, remembering how’d he act when he’s not on stage, compared with his stage persona, man, he’s the star! I knew it since the first time I heard him singing Football in 2013.

One of the best moments I’ve had in years.

I think that’s all I’ve got. What do I expect from everyone who read this? Well guys, take your time on a tour to my blog. Thank you for giving a damn to my fangirling story, your precious time, eyes, and brain is fully appreciated. Maybe I’ll continue writing reviews for film after this. Adios por ahora!

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